From: Mark Warters <>
Date: 4 April 2021 at 09:25:58 BST
To: "Meigh, Dave" <>
Cc: "Cllr. P. Widdowson" <>, "Grabham, Ben" <>, Parish Council Osbaldwick <>,, Julie Bone <>, Parish Council Holtby <>, Jill Edwards < "Cllr. C. Vassie" <>, "Cllr. M. Pavlovic" <>
Subject: Re: Hull Road plans

 Dear All,


So where are we now with this? 


Are you spot treating the few thistles and oversowing the roundabout or are you pursuing carrying out a PR disaster and weedkilling the lot before starting again which is totally unnecessary?


Interesting information;


On a related matter I note the ‘brown circle brigade’ have been out and about blasting weed killer on verges around lampposts and street clutter including on Meadlands - again!


As I’ve said many times in the past Meadlands is in the Osbaldwick and Derwent Ward where CYC have been expressly instructed not to carry out this practise in this ward so why have you strayed into Meadlands again.


As you have then let’s open up the debate city wide as to this practise.


Instead of concentrating weedkiller spraying where it’s needed - on the footpaths and kerb edges CYC spray ridiculous sized circles around Verge obstacles supposedly to make it easier for the grass cutting operatives.


But what is the result of this? Verges with horrendous brown patches (in many cases complimenting the mud patches and craters that CYC tolerate by allowing vehicles to drive and park on verges but that’s another story) just as the verges come to life in the Spring - what a mess.


What would be the result of not carrying out this spraying operation? - by May certain areas would see tufts of grass growing around lampposts and other obstacles in the verges - no more offensive on the eye than the brown circles - but if this has to be dealt with simply strimming the offending long grass would suffice - then the combination of the usual dry mid summer weather and dog urine around many of these obstacles would naturally keep the grass growth down until another strim was needed in the Autumn.


I would suggest that in terms of labour cost strimming around the obstacles twice a year (once if cost cutting) would only be the equivalent of spraying around them twice a year as currently happens and all without creating the hideous brown circles.


Whatever CYC decide please confirm the often repeated request for no Verge spraying to take place in the Osbaldwick and Derwent Ward INCLUDING Meadlands and provide an update on the Hull Rd roundabout works.









Cllr. Mark Warters

T: 01904 413370


On 24 Mar 2021, at 14:04, Meigh, Dave <> wrote:

Hi sorry for any confusion here. We are not using contractor for the work it is being done by CYC staff. The “company and their specialist advisor” is the seed supplier.


So no need for your assistance







Dave Meigh | Operations Manager - Public Realm (Strategy and Contracts)

t: 07923 217442 | e:


Please note I work part-time 29 hours a week – this can be from home, office or on site and I will respond to you as soon as practical


City of York Council | Directorate of Economy and Place

Hazel Court, James Street |  York YO10 3DS | |@CityofYork


From: Mark Warters <>
Sent: 24 March 2021 13:58
To: Meigh, Dave <>
Cc: Cllr. P. Widdowson <>; Grabham, Ben <>; Parish Council Osbaldwick <>;; Julie Bone <>; Parish Council Holtby <>; Jill Edwards < Cllr. C. Vassie <>; Cllr. M. Pavlovic <>
Subject: Re: Hull Road plans


This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Thanks Dave,


First question is why do we need a contractor into do such things?


If the contractor is able to suggest actions which are then readily accepted and not challenged hasn’t the contractor a vested interest in creating work which will then be paid for out of the public purse?


Do you want me to order a perennial wildflower mix from Boston seeds and put it on?


Labour cost £0


Because that’s all that’s needed on that roundabout.






Cllr. Mark Warters

T: 01904 413370


On 24 Mar 2021, at 12:05, Meigh, Dave <> wrote:

Hello Mark, the treatment to the roundabout is based on the advice I received on site last week from the company and their specialist advisor.


Best wishes




Dave Meigh | Operations Manager - Public Realm (Strategy and Contracts)

t: 07923 217442 | e:


Please note I work part-time 29 hours a week – this can be from home, office or on site and I will respond to you as soon as practical


City of York Council | Directorate of Economy and Place

Hazel Court, James Street |  York YO10 3DS | |@CityofYork


From: Mark Warters <>
Sent: 22 March 2021 22:12
To: Meigh, Dave <>
Cc: Cllr. P. Widdowson <>; Grabham, Ben <>; Parish Council Osbaldwick <>;; Julie Bone <>; Parish Council Holtby <>; Jill Edwards Cllr. C. Vassie <>; Cllr. M. Pavlovic <>
Subject: Re: Hull Road plans


This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

Thanks for this Dave,


After many years of nagging the ‘abandoned’ section of the central Hull Rd Verge is to have some welcome attention - I noted the recent cutting although the arisings were left.


I would however query why the roundabout (2) needs such a drastic treatment - I understood it was simply to be oversown with a perennial seed mix, this would complement the ongoing annual mix that will have seeded itself from last year and was lightly cut at the end of last year, the California poppies in the original annual mix (although not a really suitable wildflower mix on an English Verge) will be well established and ready to flower relatively early.


I would just spot treat any thistles visible on the roundabout and oversow with a perennial mix when conditions are right - probably at the end of this week when it’s set to rain.


I really think spraying the roundabout with glyphosate and then rotovating would be not only a waste of time and resource but a likely PR disaster.


I’ll support and publicise the rest but doing what you propose to the roundabout I won’t support.







Cllr. Mark Warters

T: 01904 413370


On 22 Mar 2021, at 15:14, Meigh, Dave <> wrote:

Hello Mark,


This is what is planned for Hull Road.  


Area 1 will have four new plots in-between the carriageways approx 300m2 in total. The first plot is where the cycle path cuts through the central reservation near Springfield Cottages. Travelling towards York there are four gaps in the trees. We are not seeding the first gap due to the amount post and signs, the next three gaps are good to use.


No action is planned to the area between the access road to the Park and Ride site and the B&Q roundabout.


Area 2 is the existing roundabout which will be refreshed.


Area 3 will have one new single length on the inbound section of the road, approx. 2m x 180m. 


Areas 4 & 5 are the TCV beds.


Our supplier is providing a seed mix that will last for two years and has a high pollinator value. The nature of seed mix will be akin to that which we had on Area 2 two years ago. The mix may vary between areas and have varied height for effect. Given the nature of the plants after two years we will need to start again otherwise later germinating weeds take over.


In preparation all areas will be sprayed with Glyphosate in the next few weeks, then turned over and levelled.


Over the next 18 months we will the using Wheldrake verge scheme for comparison (which has not been sprayed and has the arising’s removed).


Best wishes




Dave Meigh | Operations Manager - Public Realm (Strategy and Contracts)

t: 07923 217442 | e: